Saturday, December 15, 2007

What Soldiers used to wear long time ago..

This picture was taken in Korea during the
summer of 2007.
I was visiting a Korean Traditional Village that had been preserved for the tourists.

There are a lot of Traditional style of contructions and houses in the village.

In Korea, we have many dramas and TV shows that are about our history.

And when they film the shows, they usually
come here and make the shows because
the background or setting looks like the old age
(long time ago).

And as visiting I met a crew that were there to make films. So, I asked one of them to let me take a picture of him.
And that's him. right here.
This is the costume that Korean soldiers had worn until Western civilization came in to Korea about 100~120 years ago.
This costume is for common soldiers and there are better ones for
higher soldiers such as generals. (I don't think I have them with me now..)

The soldiers wear pants before they wear long sort of coat outside. So they are not wearing a long dress. ok? Have you seen his feet yet? Those shoes are what common people used to wear long time ago because they didn't have enough other fabrics but rice straws. Since Koreans' main dish has been rice and they have produced rice a lot, they had tons of straws, and they could make shoes out of them.

Interesting... right?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cool Transportation.

Hey, Guys. This picture was taken by me over past summer while I was visiting my family in Korea. Do you know what this is?
This looks cool, doesn't it?
It is not a house. (just for some of you..:) )It is a some kind of transporation called palanquin in Korea and it had existed until several decades ago. This one, esepcially was for kings, as you can see the elaborate decoration. I think at least 10 people lifted it up and carried a king to wherever he needed to go.
I know it is AP English blog. but I want to use it not only for posting articles for class but also for introducing my country, Korea because I know a lot of you are interested in my country but have no idea of it.
Would you like to ride one like this? :)
(I think I am so random.. but it is ok. IT IS ME.)